Sri Lankan links

Wednesday, 7 March 2007

You seem to be very happy that Christians converted Muslims

HI Chaminda,

You seem to be very happy that Christians converted Muslims. So what? If Christians covnerted 13,000 it is their talent. But insha Allah after these poor people get their stomach full they will get back like the Black Aemrican slaves who were forced to convert. How can one worship someone whom he considered as man before and now as God. Hunger probably took them but when the cloud clears away they will trace back their path. It is really waste of money and time for the Christians to convert Muslims. Perhaps Allah decided to feed these poor people by their money.

But what I am asking you is why couldn't the Buddhists do this to Muslims? Please try it out and let me kow. Go to the poor people and feed them, give them jobs and try. Then write to us. Islam started with zero and now it is 1.3 billion and ever climbing. In 2015 we will beat the combined population of 50+ sects of Christianity.

So don't have too much hope because you will be dissappointed when you see the true statistics. Muslims are not interested in nos. We are interested in quality. There is no benefit in getting nos without them understanding and conviction. We don't have to either since we have a relgion of conviction and truth. A religion once instilled can never be removed. If we convert without conviction and understanding they will be a burden rather than be of any benefit. Becuase they will start practicing paganism along with Islam and create confusion among Muslim community.

But we have a duty to keep teaching and helping the ignorant community to make them realise the truth of Islam. Some Muslims have failed in their responsibility. We too have "black sheeps" among us. This is the whole issue of answerability and judgement, and then, reward and punishment. We are supposed to look at ourselves in the mirror and reflect on ourselves and correct our course from time to time, like the pilot in a ship who corrects the course of his ship and ensure it remains in it's path. So we have guidance from every angle of life. This is why Islam is successful and is naturally growing at current rapid pace.

If west succeeded in killing a million Muslims then, same amount have converted to Islam from amongst themselves. This happens with the might of the pen and not the fear of the sword as the myth keeps haunting the few stupid Buddhists in this forum. If few Emperors killed even today they are doing it to Muslims under the instructinons of Terror Govts like USA. But Islam remains intact as the Religion of Peace. Qur'an will remain as the sole source of guidance to Mankind until Allah decides to destroy this world and prepare for the day of Judgement. Your history of lies will not change the course of future.



Anonymous said...

Buddhists don't do that because Buddhists do not force others to get converted. Buddhists also do not think that it is necessary to increase the heads, I believe a true Buddhist is a one who "think" good & not the one who "believe" in good. That's why Buddhists are not widely spread in big numbers.
Many people in Europe & West have started to study Buddhism now. In a recent survey is Germany a randomly selected group of people were asked what would be the religion they would select insted of their own religion if given the choice & a 60% of them have mentioned Buddhism. People with good education knows what the truth is insted of having a blind faith on a supreme invisible spirit.

Anonymous said...

Buddhism if practiced with it's fundamental philosophy may be good for self. But as guidance for running a nation with it's military, political, financial, social institutions will not function well. In Islam too forced convertion is prohibited by legislation. it has no meaning. Islam only needs practical examples to attract conversion. Qur'an is another document well preserved after it's revelation from God himself has a rich quantum of information never known to man before. This pure divine Book has been the source of conversoin in the intellectuals world.

People have misnormers about conversion by sword. This is nothing but lies. Nations of millions couldn't have been converted by the sword by a few hundred or thousand Arabs. This is ridiculous. History has no record of such fantasies. Islam is truly the religion of PEACE as the name imploies.
